Parenting Programmes
Structured parenting programmes have clear aims. They use the most recent communication and self-management strategies to help parents ‘ride the storm’ of family life.
Parents of teenagers often feel excluded from their son or daughter’s rapidly changing inner world. Friends become their focus and their need to feel accepted and appreciated by their peers can get in the way of the close bond they once enjoyed with their parents.
As a parent we often imagine terrible consequences for our teens in adult life when their eating habits change or when they withdraw from the social aspects of family life. For most teens this is a time to make decisions, take the necessary steps for independence and move gradually away from the narrow confines of their family group.
Two pieces of advice I have for parents are ‘You are not alone’, and, ‘Do not take your teen’s behaviour and words personally’. If your teenager refuses to help with chores, misses homework deadlines and eats unhealthy food it is not a reflection of your parenting.
Becoming part of one of my supportive online Parenting Groups can be incredibly reassuring. The strategies used in my Parenting Programmes have been tested by educators and coaches in the USA who have children with ADHD and other neurodivergent conditions. I regularly access their training and parenting talks to develop my skills and knowledge.
Free resources and help for parents
There are a wealth of resources out there for parents who are struggling to meet the demands of modern parenting. They include FREE information in the form of websites, podcasts and email newsletters.
My ‘go to’ organisations include:
- HappilyFamily
- Calm the Chaos
- ADDitude
- Non-violent Communication (NVC)
- Collaborative and Pro-active Solutions (CPS)
The two years I spent as a Student Wellbeing Officer in a large sixth form college made me realise that students can sometimes be as unsteady on their feet as Bambi and they will almost certainly make decisions they regret. The young people who do well in the transitional phase to young adulthood are those that can be accountable, reflect on their actions and choices and change the decision if the same situation occurs.